About Us

Welcome to our world of beverages

We believe that every moment deserves a refreshing twist. Our journey began with a simple idea: to create delicious, non-alchoholic beverages that bring people together and elevate any occasion. Each of our beverages is thoughtfully crafted using premium ingredients to ensure that every sip is a delightful experience.

We take pride in our meticulous approach to blending flavours, ensuring that our drinks are not only refreshing but also a feast for the senses. Whether your're celebrating a special event, enjoying a quiet evening at home, or hosting a gathering with freinds, our mocktails and Slush pouches are designed to add a splash of joy and sophistication to your moments.


Join Us in the Squeeze Pop Experience

Join us in crafting refreshing moments, one sip at a time. Cheers to a vibrant and flavourful life!

Indulge in a world of flavor and refreshment

Ready to elevate your beverage game? Explore our exquisite range of non-alcoholic Mocktails and slush pouches, crafted to perfection. Join us in redefining the art of soft drinks.

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